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Friday, March 4, 2016

True Life: I cried like a baby before 6am

This story actually happened two months ago now but it is one of the reasons I started The Good Vibes Collective project and I sincerely thank everyone who urged me to continue promoting my positive energy into this movement. Thank you all.  -Shan (site admin)

December 2015
I woke up at 2:30am this morning for a 5:30 flight. Since we were already running late, my husband (who was not traveling with us) packed up the car for me while I got our two year old dressed and ready but as it turns, he forgot to heat up the car. It was bitterly cold so we sat inside the house and waited several minutes before we could leave. Although we were already running late, I had to stop for gas so that pushed us back even further... not to mention calling the non-emergency number for the guy I almost hit who was hitch hiking on the side of the road in the pitch black, but I digress...

My daughter (MJ) and I arrived at the airport around 4:45am for our flight that was to begin boarding at 5am. I was that crazy lady running, pushing a stroller with a car seat lodged on top and a suitcase in tow. Got to the counter to check a bag and get MJ her boarding pass (lap child) but lo-and-behold, can't find my wallet (crap!). I know I had it because I got gas, so...

The wonderful lady at the Southwest ticket counter told me she would check my bag (I had our birth certificates) and that she would hold the car seat while I ran back to the car in the parking garage. I was not even running, I was literally sprinting- sweat pouring from all crevices of my body. You'd swear I was training for a marathon (or at least the Mom Olympics).

It took me a minute to find my wallet and as I pulled it out from the crack between the passenger door and the seat, I knew we wouldn't make our flight. 

I rushed back down to the counter where the sweet woman was waiting to hand off the car seat as if it were an Olympic baton. I basically hurdled over the line dividers, past the closed escalator, and spin-moved into the almost-full elevator. Everyone was staring.

We got to the TSA security line at 5:15am and as two people butted in front of me, I text messaged my husband, "we missed our flight, babe." I never so badly wanted to cause a scene for someone line butting but somehow my sleep deprived self thought better of it and I bit my tongue. Meanwhile, MJ started getting restless at security and had a FREAK OUT as I put her beloved baby doll through the scanner. If everyone wasn't staring at us before, they definitely were now. I wanted to hide in a hole and rock myself in the fetal position. 

I got our bags from security and, once again, made a sprint toward our gate. (My college lacrosse coach never trained us how to run in heels while pushing a stroller and holding a car seat!)

I got to the gate in a full-out sweat and told the woman at the counter that I know I missed my flight and needed to be put on standby for a later flight. She looked at me kind of bewildered and said, "are you [Shan W.]?" 
"Uh, yes?"

"Oh, we were waiting for you, come on, they let us know you were in a pinch and we held seats for you, would you like to use your car seat on the plane? Let me gate check that stroller for you!"

Speechless, I roll up at 5:28am, walk onto the plane where the flight attendants had a WHOLE ROW saved for me and MJ in the very back of the plane.

Yes, y'all. I cried like a little freakin' baby. 

I am SO GRATEFUL for this today. I really have to give it up to Southwest, man. I feel like every time I fly, they give me another reason to stay forever loyal. This will be the fourth time just this year that I email their customer service to thank them for an amazing job. So... thank you to these wonderful people who turned my day around.

I will absolutely be sure to pay this forward.

[side note: I ended up emailing this story to Southwest customer service and they responded ever-so-nicely!]

Submitted by: Shan W., 30

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