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Want to help us spread the positivity? Tweet  @vibescollective and submit your good vibes!

About Our Project

What is "The Good Vibes Collective?"

The Good Vibes Collective is a project aimed at promoting positive thoughts, experiences, feelings, and stories through YOUR submissions and news we gather around the web.

What is the thought process behind this project?

Positivity is contagious! When something good happens in your life, it's human nature to want to share it because it feels good! In turn, it feels good hearing about other peoples' positive stories too!

We hope to create a place on the web where people can come to smile, share, and think positively. After all, with one single smile, you could change your day or you could change the world.

How did you come up with the idea for this project?

I was tired of seeing all of the negative posts and political bickering on social media. I think we can all use a little more positivity in our lives!!!

Who is behind "The Good Vibes Collective?"

My name is Shan and I'm originally from Maryland but am now living in Arizona. Living a happy life is really important to me!

What is the end goal of the project?

Just to promote good vibes and love. <3

How am *I* part of this project?

When you share your good vibes with us, you become part of a movement far bigger than just what we are trying to accomplish! You are simply allowing us to share your positivity with the rest of the world!!

How can my story be featured on the site?

Submit your positive story, thought, or experience by completing the form on our Share Your Good Vibes page, by e-mailing us at TheGoodVibesCollective@gmail.com, or by tweeting us @vibescollective. There is no limit on the positive effect you can have on the world so let's get it!!!

Do you own the content you post?

We do not claim ownership of all of our posted content, however, we do claim ownership on submitted stories and graphics with our project name visible so please do not alter our graphics or re-distribute stories without our permission! Feel free to re-post our graphics without altering them, however. That's totally cool with us!

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